NHA Gathering 2018

I’ve been back from the NHA Gathering in Nashua, New Hampshire for a few of weeks now.  It’s always so much fun to get together with our tribe, isn’t it?  Hubby and I arrived Thursday late afternoon.  Whenever possible, we always like to have a little extra time to get settled in before all of the festivities begin.  And we weren’t the only ones!

Friday was spent mostly catching up with established (sounds better than “old” LOL) friends and meeting new ones.  And, of course, as Beth-Ann likes to call it, my “Tag and Release Program” began.  The stitch markers for this year’s Gathering (left) were designed to look a bit like the New Hampshire Gathering logo where the New Hampshire looks like a full bottom whorl spindle.  On the right are the stitch markers that my workshop participants receive. They are a different color every year but they always have a butterfly on the bottom because butterflies symbolize growth and change. What better way to grow and change than to keep learning!


On Saturday, I taught my Spinning for Lace workshop.  In the past, this has been a half-day workshop and it always felt quite rushed.  So this year, I thought we’d try it as a full-day.  I felt that it went a bit slowly for a full-day and the evaluations submitted by the workshop participants confirmed it.  Some suggested that I add another one or two types of fiber to spin and I think that is a wonderful idea!  Still, we had a great time, shared a lot of laughs, and learned a lot from each other (because I always learn something from my workshop participants)!

I’m also thrilled to say that the premier of my Blending Board Techniques workshop on Sunday was a big success!   The feedback that I received indicated that this workshop needs to be a full-day.  And I agree wholeheartedly!  We were only able to complete a couple of techniques and briefly discuss a few others.  And just as on Saturday, we had a ton of fun, shared a lot of laughs, and learned a lot from each other!